Five Ways to Become Your Donor’s New Year’s Resolution  

Five Ways to Become Your Donor’s New Year’s Resolution  

Getting an estate in order is an intimidating task for lots of us. It’s the kind of work that people think they might do soon – as in, “I’ll tackle that after the holidays” – but can’t quite get themselves to begin. How can you help your donors get to work, and how can you encourage them to make your organization a part of their legacy?  

Here are some ways to get them thinking about AND acting on that resolution.  

  1. Inspire Planning. The best way to grow your list of legacy donors is to remind loyal donors of why they support you in the first place and to create a vision for making your organization a part of their own legacy.
  2. Engage Hearts. Find out more about why they care about your work. What event or personal connection brought them to your cause? 
  3. Build Awareness. Make it easy for donors who are open to including you in their legacy by making them aware of options without flooding them with technical information.
  4. Save Them Money. January is a great time to remind donors of the potential tax savings that come along with wise planning and generous charitable giving.
  5. Download Our Free Receipt Insert. Inspire legacy giving by including our complimentary end-of-year receipt insert in this month’s outreach efforts.

Don’t wait, help your donors start thinking about their legacy – and your place in it—today!