Current Category: Kristy Quist

Why Donors Won’t Put You in Their Wills
Remember when you turned 16? You had finished driver education, perhaps you had logged a lot of hours of supervised […]

How Can I Measure the Results of My Planned Giving Efforts?
We all want to see results. If you’ve ever owned a car, you know the joys keeping a car running. […]

6 Ways to Encourage Planned Giving with Your Donors
Planned giving is the most personal gift a donor can give you. After all, it’s been a lifetime in the […]

Getting to the Heart of the Matter (and the Donor)
A local coffee shop often puts out two “competing” tip jars to encourage reluctant tippers. University of Michigan or Michigan […]

The New Challenge for Arts and Cultural Nonprofits
How is your organization changing the world? You know your work is important. But when you are part of an […]

Creating a Safe Space for Your Donors
At a recent seminar I attended, a representative of a home security system company said that she’s noticed they sell […]

The Secret Upside of Downsized Donor Bases
While American philanthropic giving is increasing every year, Eileen R. Heisman of the National Philanthropic Trust points out in her […]